Summer School on Circularity in the Built Environment/

Event Detail
Decisions for the development of the built environment are usually based on economic criteria and are expedited by spatial and temporal emergencies and/or restrictions. Circularity is offering a new set of values that are not only economic or environmental, but also strategic in terms of space planning and the politics of space.
The Summer School builds on TU Delft and CBE Hub experience and expertise to further explore how circularity can contribute to our understanding and managing of the complexity of the built environment. We will monitor how circularity reshuffles priorities and how that ultimately impacts decision-making, meaning and power distribution amongst the multiple stakeholders involved.
We at the CBE Hub consider circularity to cross all scales: from materials; to components and to buildings and from neighbourhoods; to cities and to regions.
What we claim is that the change circularity calls for is systemic, and therefore situated in the entanglement of each scale with the six aspects of technology, management, design, economy, resource flows and the dynamic relations of all stakeholders involved.