Share Your Green Design | Photography Competition – 2nd Edition
Photos: ShareYourGreenDesign 

Photography Competition – 2nd Edition. Historic and Contemporary Stone Architecture

  • Organizer: Share Your Green Design
  • Country: Global

We are delighted to announce the 2nd Share Your Green Design Photography competition. We want to see your photos of buildings, bridges or any other construction built with stone, both historic and contemporary constructions, that use stone as load bearing material.

This is a photography competition. Participants are welcome to use any medium (digital or film) as long as it is uploaded in a digital format. Photos must convey the idea of “Stone Construction” and how the material is used in a structural capacity, whether it’s a full building, bridge, etc, or a structural part of the construction.

Why Stone Architecture?

  • We all understand stone is a foundational material in construction and has left an indelible mark on our built environment throughout history. Ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, the Mayans and many more across all the continents, harnessed its enduring strength.
  • These civilizations didn’t merely build with stone; they embedded their cultural identity, artistic expression, and technological prowess into every block. From the majestic pyramids of Egypt to the elegant marble temples of Greece and the grandeur of Rome’s Colosseum, stone became a canvas for human creativity and resilience. It connected generations, echoing through millennia as a testament to our ingenuity and the enduring power of stone.
  • In contemporary architecture, there’s a renaissance underway—a revival of load-bearing stone construction that challenges conventional thinking, and it is now reclaiming its role as a structural material. The environmental impact of steel and concrete has prompted a re-evaluation of stone as an alternative.  Innovative techniques are overcoming stone’s limitations. This movement bridges tradition and innovation, echoing through millennia as a testament to human ingenuity and the enduring power of stone.
  • For our second competition, we want to see examples of how stone construction from around the globe, and how can influence contemporary works of architecture and engineering.

What to Submit

  • This is a photography competition. Participants are welcome to use any medium (digital or film) as long as it is uploaded in a digital format. Photos must convey the idea of “Stone Construction” and how the material is used in a structural capacity, whether it’s a full building, bridge, etc, or a structural part of the construction.
  • Participants are also invited to write a brief description to explain their entry and the technical and/or aesthetic interest of the photographed element.
  • The number of entries is unlimited per participant, with the ability to upload a single photo or a series of (2-5) photos per entry within the same theme/region. Each entry should have a title and indicate the location of the photographed building or infrastructure as a minimum.

How to Submit

Entries will be sent directly to

  • In the subject line, include the author’s full name
  • The following information should be included in the email body:
  • Author’s full name
  • Name of the piece, brief description, location and the year the photo/photos were taken
  • Contact email address.

The photo/photos must be included in the email as an attachment, or a link to allow our team to download the information.

The participant will receive a registration number after submitting all required information, which will serve as confirmation of their entry.

Size and Technical Details of the Submission

  • An entry should consist of a single photograph or series of (2-5) photographs within the same topic/theme/region, as well as a brief description (max 50 words) of how it relates to the competition topic.
  • Photos submitted must be at least 640 pixels on the shorter side, and no more than 2000 pixels on the longer side—minimum resolution 150 dpi. The entire submission package should be no larger than 10MB. Photos must be in JPEG format.
  • Participant/author should have all the rights to the photos, any copyright infringement will result in immediate disqualification.
  • The photo must be in its original state and cannot be altered in any way, including but not limited to removing, adding, reversing, or distorting subjects within the frame.
  • Entries will not be accepted unless submitted via the official contest channel. Entries not submitted through the proper channel will be deleted.

Who Can Submit

Anyone and everyone is welcome to submit an entry. The competition is open to the public. Both professionals and non-professionals are invited to enter. As the competition takes place online, participants from all regions are welcome to submit their entries.

Competition Timeline

  • 29.04.2024 – Competition official launch on all the Share Your Green Design channels.
  • 29.04.2024 –  30.09.2024 – Submission period.
  • 14.10.2024 – Finalists announced on all the Share Your Green Design platforms.
  • 28.10.2024– Winners announcement on all the Share Your Green Design platforms. 


The winners will be awarded the following prizes:

1st Prize

  • Winner award Certificate
  • Dedicated post in the News section on our website
  • Photo/photos displayed in the slider of our website for 2 weeks
  • Dedicated posts on our social media channels
  • Interview with the winner (video or written, depending on the winner’s preference), posted on our website and social media platforms
  • The photo will be used on every initiative dedicated to the topic of Historic and Contemporary Stone Architecture for 6 months, always referred to the author
  • The winner will be invited to be part of the professional jury of our next photography competition.

2nd Prize

  • Award Certificate
  • Special mention in the summary report of the competition
  • Photo/photos displayed in the slider of our website for 1 week
  • Dedicated posts on our social media channels.

3rd Prize

  • Award Certificate
  • Special mention in the summary report of the competition
  • Photo/photos displayed in the slider of our website for 1 day
  • Dedicated posts on our social media channels.

10 Finalists

  • Finalist Certificate
  • Post on our website and social media channels.

Confirmed Jury Members

A selection of photographers and architects representing as many geographical regions as possible have been carefully chosen for our first competition.

  • Pierre Bidaud – Creative Director at The Stone Masonry Company
  • Alejandro Gómez Vives – Photographer 
  • Maíra Acayaba – Photographer 
  • Aida Zare – Lecturer at Shiraz University of Arts. Professor Vernacular Architecture 
  • Ana Paula Fuentes – Photographer
  • Iason Athanasiadis – Photographer 
  • Tarek Teba  – Associate Professor in Architectural Heritage at the University of Portsmouth and Chair for ICOMOS UK Digital Technology Committee.
  • Zakie Makarem – Architect, Graphic Design and Photographer. – Winner of our First Edition of the Photography CompetitionVernacular Architecture’.


Legal Considerations and Intellectual Property Rights

  • Submitted photos must be original, created and/or taken by the contestant. It must not contain any materials owned or controlled by a third party for which you have not obtained a licence, and must not infringe the copyright, trademark, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
  • Copyrights shall remain vested with the creator of the image. Upon submitting, you grant Share Your Green Design, a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free, sub-licensable right and licence to use, publish, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, create derivative works, distribute, have distributed, print, in whole or in part, in any form, in all media forms now or hereafter known, to promote the contest, image, the photographer or for editorial or educative use. (we can make an electronic document for the contestants to sign as part of the submission package)
  • The Photographer will be credited wherever the image is used.
  • Participants under 18 years old must provide a signed document from a legal guardian.


Top 10 Shortlisted Entries

  • Erfan Fallahian – The Palace of Firuzadab
  • Müge Karatas – Cavess of Civilisation
  • Müge Karatas – Pillars of Time
  • Müge Karatas – The Hidden Treasury
  • Müge Karatas – Veiled Facade
  • Robert Brandt Trempe Jr – Wells Cathedral
  • Robert Brandt Trempe Jr – King’s College Chapel
  • Robert Brandt Trempe Jr – Tower Interior: The Church of St. Mary the Virgi (St. Mary Redcliffe)
  • Robert Brandt Trempe Jr – Wells Cathedral
  • Robert Brandt Trempe Jr – High Alter. Cathedral Church of the Virgi Mary and St. Chad.
  • Robert Brandt Trempe Jr – King’s College Chapel




The Winners

Congratulations to the Winners!

1st Prize: MüGE KARATA with an outstanding photo titled, Veiled Facade.

2nd Prize: ROBERT BRANDT TREMPE JR. with an amazing photo titled, High Alter: Catedral Church of the Virgin Mary and St Chad.

3rd Prize: ROBERT BRANDT TREMPE JR. with an impressive photo titled, Tower Interior: The Church of St Mary the Virgin (St Mary Redcliffe).

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