Stone Symposium: The Case for Stone/

Event Detail
Federation Stone Great BritainCountry:
United KingdomCity:
LondonThis one-day conference is aimed at architects, designers, structural engineers, clients and main contractors. It will bring together some of the leading voices on the topic of natural stone and its sustainability credentials.
There is an ever-increasing awareness of the crucial role that natural stone can play in delivering a more sustainable built environment, and the Stone Symposium will inform and inspire through a range of seminars, panel discussions and case studies.
Speakers already confirmed include:
Amin Taha (GROUPWORK), Tim Gledstone (Squire and Partners), Steve Webb (Webb Yates Engineers), Steve McKechnie (Arup), Juliet Haysom (Architectural Association), Natasha Huq (GRAS), Joe Chilvers (Adam Richards Architects), Niki-Marie Jansson (Newcastle University), Pierre Bidaud (The Stonemasonry Company Limited), Michael Poultney (Albion Stone plc Stone) and Marcus Paine (Hutton Stone Co Ltd.)
Places are limited, so booking will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
When: Friday 12 July, 10 am – 5 pm conference and 5 pm – 8 pm networking drinks.
Where: America Square Conference Centre, 17 One Crosswall, London, EC3N 2LB
Cost: £60 + VAT (student price £40 + VAT)
To book your place(s), please email or to go
*Please note that this event is not open to non-member stone companies.