China Fellowship 2024/

Organiser: SOM Foundation
Share Your Green Design | China Fellowship 2024

Event Detail





SOM Foundation


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1. Fellowship

The $5,000 China Fellowship is awarded annually to three students in the last two years of either an undergraduate or graduate program in architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture, or urban design in the People’s Republic of China to conduct independent travel and research that contributes to the SOM Foundation’s current topic. The China Fellowship was created in 2006 to support emerging design leaders to broaden their education and contribute to their future professional and academic careers.

2. Topic: Adapting Housing Strategies to Respond to New Realities

This year’s topic seeks to explore affordable, equitable, and innovative modes of multifamily housing that respond to current and future needs. These housing strategies need to consider changing demographics, collectivity, economy, work patterns, and the environment, through the exploration of design strategies, community engagement, economic models, and legal policies. With housing costs continuing to escalate and adequate housing remaining inaccessible for many in our communities, we need to think and build in a smart and sustainable way, update existing housing developments, and foster the adaptive reuse of other existing typologies to create thriving communities and healthy neighborhoods.

3. Eligibility

Applicant must be an undergraduate or graduate student in the last two years of a professionally accredited degree program in architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture, or urban design in the People’s Republic of China. Chinese citizenship is not required. Students enrolled at universities in the People’s Republic of China who are currently participating in a study abroad program outside of the country are eligible for the award. Students from China who are enrolled at universities outside the People’s Republic of China are not eligible for the award. Applicant must intend to obtain a professionally accredited degree and enter the professional practice of architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture, or urban design.

4. Application Requirements


  • Each applicant should develop a proposal that explains how their research relates to this year’s topic, their interests and learning objectives, and how they and the profession may benefit from their research.
  • The proposal should range between 750 and 1,250 words.
  •  A short abstract (no more than 50 words) should be included before the proposal.
  • The proposal must include a title as well as appropriate labeling and footnoting as necessary.
  • The proposal should include additional images that support the thesis.
  • The applicant is encouraged to work with an advisor to develop the proposal; however, work must be entirely the applicant’s own.
  • Nothing that identifies the applicant’s name, gender, race, creed, advisor, or university may be included in the proposal.

Travel Itinerary

  • The itinerary should include city(ies) and sites the applicant intends to document along with the estimated dates of travel. The travel itinerary should support the applicant’s proposal.
  • The travel must take place inside and/or outside of the People’s Republic of China and be a minimum of three weeks’ duration.
  • The applicant is encouraged to work with an advisor to develop the itinerary; however, work must be entirely the applicant’s own.
  • Nothing that identifies the applicant’s name, gender, race, creed, advisor, or university may be included in the travel itinerary.

Preliminary Budget

  • The preliminary budget should provide itemized use of the fellowship funds (e.g., travel, lodging, etc.).
  • Nothing that identifies the applicant’s name, gender, race, creed, advisor, or university may be included in the preliminary budget.



  • The portfolio should include work that is the applicant’s own, completed at the university where the applicant is enrolled, and/or work prepared for other design competitions. Given the collaborative nature of most university programs, group work is allowed. However, it should be used sparingly. The applicant’s role in the group project must be clearly explained in the portfolio.
  • Work that was prepared in a professional office should not be included in the portfolio.
  • The portfolio can include text in Simplified Chinese. English translations are welcome but are not required.
  • Nothing that identifies the applicant’s name, gender, race, creed, advisor, or university may be included in the portfolio.


  •  Applications must be submitted in English.

5. Application Format

  • Single PDF format
  • A4, either portrait or landscape orientation
  • 18 pages maximum
  • 25 MB maximum

6. Application Deadline

Submit information via the application page form no later than Friday, May 17, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. CDT. Applications received after that time will not be considered.

You should receive an email confirming the information you submitted. If not, please contact us at

7. Jury

This year’s jury will be led by Peter Duncan, China Practice Leader, SOM, Shanghai. The complete list of jurors will be announced soon.

The SOM Foundation reserves the right to choose not to award, to co-award, or to split the prize as the jury deems appropriate.

8. Notification of Award

Winners will be notified no later than Friday, June 28, 2024.

9. Recipient Responsibilities

By accepting the award, the recipients agree to:

  • provide progress reports via email to the SOM Foundation Executive Director.
  • complete their travel and research within eighteen months of receiving the award, or within an agreed-upon time, depending on circumstances.
  • forfeit all fellowship money to the SOM Foundation in the event that travel and research are not completed within eighteen months, unless prior written approval is received from the SOM Foundation Executive Director.
  • file a final report within four months after completing their travel and research.

Any changes to the proposal, including the itinerary and budget allocation, need to be submitted in writing and approved by the SOM Foundation.

10. Copyright

The winning applications will become part of the SOM Foundation’s archive. The SOM Foundation reserves the right to use the winning applications—and the recipients’ monthly progress reports and final report—or any portion of them in press releases, presentations, exhibits, history books, and similar publications, as well as for public access for student and educational purposes in all media, including online. Authors will retain the copyright of their work.


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