Behaviour Change for Environmental Communications/

Organiser: Sustainable Sidekicks - Livvy Drake

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Sustainable Sidekicks - Livvy Drake


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2 timeslots available. Choose when buying your ticket(s) for 12:30-2pm or 5-6:30 pm

About you

In your personal or professional life are you focused on communicating about:

  • Environmental issues
  • The 3 P’s of sustainability
  • Waste and plastics minimisation
  • Carbon reduction and the climate crisis
  • The link between environmental and social injustices

With so many crises and an urgency to act you are determined to engage as many people as possible so they take action.

But inspiring that kind of change can be hard… especially when it seems like other people don’t care in the same way you do, especially people outside of the eco echo chamber.


But there is a way to reach more people and communicate to new audiences….

Using the principles of Behaviour Change can help you to:

  • Frame messages differently to inspire new audiences
  • Address the fears and concerns of your audience
  • Widen your repertoire of social media content
  • Motivate action

Join Sustainability and Behaviour Change Consultant, Livvy Drake for this interactive 1.5 hour online workshop, where she will show you how behaviour change principles can transform your communication campaigns.

You will come away with the recording, slides and a quick reference guide plus new ways of approaching your campaigns to reach a wider audience

She will share with you tried and tested methods from behavioural economists, neuroscientists and communicators.


About the trainer

The Sustainable Sidekicks provide training and support for changemakers, campaigners, green champions and business owners who’s purpose is to reduce their environmental impact and increase their positive impact.

Lead Sidekick Livvy Drake has a background in events and marketing. When she began working in the field of sustainable events and plastics campaigning she realised that the environmental sector was not engaging people outside of its green bubble. So she began training in and working with behaviour change practitioners to understand how greater crossover could be achieved and how marketing and communications of environmental issues could be presented differently.

Livvy has studied behaviour change at the University of West of England and has a successful track record of applying these principles to award-winning campaigns, including:

  • Shambala Festival – addressing waste, recycling and left tent challenges
  • City to Sea – Single-use plastic reduction campaigns including Refill, Plastic-free Periods

As well as providing training for Arla Foods, Chartered Institute of Waste Managers, Travel West, EnTress, Sben (Staffordshire Business and Environment Network),   Devon Council Reuse Team, the Bristol Reuse Network, The Fostering Network, World Habitat, University Hospitals Bristol, Oxford Instruments Plasma, Ethical Hour Ltd, BIMM Bristol, Newlyn Gallery, Creative Kernow at Krowji, Ailuna, University of the West of England, University of Wolverhampton, Catalyse Change, Bristol Council, Bristol Waste and Mytton Williams Ltd.

*Accessible Pricing*

To make these sessions accessible there is tiered pricing with suggestions for different types of organisations and individuals. Please pay the price point that you can most afford. This will support the scholarship places and the charity that will receive 10% of the proceeds.


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