Event Detail
Tuesday 6 June 11.00 – 12.00, Main Hall
In partnership with The Obel Award
Carlos Moreno, Scientific Director of the Chair ”Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation”, Sorbonne University-IAE Paris
Martha Thorne, Senior Advisor, The Obel Award and Distinguished Professor at IE School of Architecture & Design (Moderator)
A panel session examining the 15-minute city, a controversial concept to create cities where people have access to key amenities by travelling no more than 15 minutes on foot or by bike. Originally unveiled in 2016, the concept offers a radical departure to the current direction of modern urbanism, reducing the radius in which amenities and activities are situated and take place, making our cities more local, more accessible and more liveable. Despite its positive impact to reduce carbon emissions, the possibility of implementing this framework in the UK has generated a lively debate among government and citizens on the consequences for personal freedom and economic results.