Urban regeneration as a tool for inclusive and sustainable recovery

Communiqué of the Expert Group Meeting on Urban Regeneration as a tool for Inclusive and Sustainable Recovery, held on December 2021 (Bilbao, Spain), organized by UN-Habitat (Inclusive, Vibrant Neighbourhoods, and Communities Flagship Programme), with the support of the Basque Government (Spain).
The debate focused on Urban Regeneration as an integrative process and essential instrument that city leaders, planners, and policymakers, together with civil society, investors, and the private sector should consider achieving sustainable and inclusive cities, and the COVID-19 pandemic recovery.
This Communiqué summarises the priority actions identified by the experts as a result of the two-day meeting: a) develop Guidelines for Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Regeneration, b) monitor spatial inequality; c) establish an Urban Regeneration Reference Group, and d) mobilize resources for urban regeneration.