Climate Week NYC 2022/

Organiser: Return to Climate Group
Share Your Green Design | Climate Week NYC 2022

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Return to Climate Group


United States


New York


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Climate Week NYC 2022, marks its fourteenth year as the biggest global climate event of its kind. Bringing together the most influential leaders in climate action from business, government, and the climate community, in conjunction with the United Nations General Assembly and the City of New York. Climate Week NYC creates an ambitious platform for our mission to drive climate action. Fast.

As the organizers of Climate Week NYC, Climate Group hosts a main program of in-person events in New York which include the Climate Week NYC Opening Ceremony and The Hub Live. In addition to this we bring together over 500 events spread across ten themes, in New York and around the world, as part of the wider Climate Week NYC official events program.

Climate Week NYC September 19 – 25, is all about Getting It Done. Through celebrating climate action, challenging ourselves to do more, and exploring ways to increase ambition, Climate Week NYC inspires, amplifies and provides a global platform for connection and discussion. Through our own core events, opportunities to engage with our partners, and the Climate Week NYC official events program, we invite you to be a part of the biggest climate event on earth.

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