Climate Change – Improving Performance and Resilience of Buildings/

Organiser: Vicky
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The need to properly understand buildings and the issues and risks from the way we use, maintain and repair to their retrofit

The speaker is the eminent , John Edwards, MA, DipBldgCons, CEnv, FCIOB, FRICS, IHBC

John is an all-round Chartered construction and property professional and Chartered Environmentalist specialising in some distinctive areas: climate change and retrofit; property and construction related research and business planning; quality management; building conservation in which he is certified.

He has extensive construction expertise in a wide range of construction types from traditionally constructed buildings to modern high-rise buildings.

John has held very senior management posts including his Assistant Director role at Cadw / Welsh Government where he was responsible for managing their estate of 128 historic sites, which included commercial and operational management. In this role he was responsible for estate management, facilities management, the management of the direct labour workforce and a multi £ million conservation and development programme of projects.

He is also the author of many publications, reports and certification / training schemes / qualifications including guidance and standards in subjects ranging from retrofitting buildings for BSI to a quality management certification scheme for the CIOB

In addition to his Directorship of Edwards Hart Consultants, John holds two Non-Executive Directorships, one of a charity and a property management company.

His wealth of knowledge and expertise has led to his Professorship at the University of Wales Trinity St David, where he has a leadership role at the Construction Wales Innovation Centre. This has also led to invitations to join / chair boards / forums, for example the BSI Retrofit Standards Task Group, IHBC Technical Panel, CIOB Quality Implementation Group.

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