#BuildingToCOP28 Forum/

Organiser: World GBC

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World GBC


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The built environment – buildings, infrastructure and cities – impacts everyone, and everywhere. Its potential to support decarbonisation efforts and benefit citizens, wherever they are in the world, must not be underestimated.

The #BuildingToCOP coalition brings together leaders from across the sector who are promoting the built environment’s potential in accelerating the transition to a healthy, safe and resilient net zero future.

#BuildingToCOP’s members are united by a single mission – to ensure the built environment is at the forefront of international climate dialogues and secure its recognitionin global decision making as an affordable, achievable, and essential solution.

#BuildingToCOP28 Forum

The #BuildingToCOP28 Forum convenes a powerful coalition of stakeholders and all their associated networks to raise private sector ambition ahead of COP28.

Why attend?

  • Receive the latest industry intelligence from the most influential COP28 built environment coalition
  • Unlock advocacy and collaboration opportunities and work towards shared COP28 goals

Please note, this forums is organised by WorldGBC and the #BuildingtoCOP28 coalition. Please contact them with any queries.

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