Breakfast at Sustainability’s. Justice in Energy Transitions/

Organiser: ICLEI Europe

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ICLEI Europe


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The middle of February is often the coldest time in European cities, when people need energy to heat their homes and stay safe and warm. Keeping this in mind, ICLEI Europe is pleased to be hosting back-to-back Breakfast at Sustainability’s editions, which will zoom-in on replicable solutions that put justice at the heart of energy transition, and alleviate energy poverty.


Inclusion and justice in energy transition and energy communities

Save the date, and join us online on 14 February 2024.

This online event will convence local government policymakers, researchers, practitioners, and energy planners to explore inclusion and justice as central components of the energy transition and of energy communities. This in-depth discussion will highlight recommendations, research results, and good practices for local governments and community energy initiatives, drawing on expertise from the EC2 project and its Community Energy Academy.

Be sure to subscribe to the Community Energy Academy newsletter to be the first to hear updates about the event.

Potential for energy poverty alleviation through an inclusive and democratic European Green Deal 2.0

Save the date for this hybrid event, and join us in Brussels or online on 20 February 2024, 10:15-12:00 CET.

Phasing out fossil fuels to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 offers a unique opportunity to transform our energy systems for a more socially fair and democratic EU. Diverse forms of citizen involvement and engagement in energy projects are already surging across the EU, including many energy poverty alleviation activities within communities.

The upcoming European elections are a good opportunity to highlight innovative solutions that could help mainstream social inclusion in the energy transition in a more coherent and comprehensive way. This hybrid event, co-organised with the Jacques Delors Institute, will gather input from the Sun4All and EnergyPROSPECTS projects, as well as from a variety of stakeholders, to set the scene for an inclusive and democratic European Green Deal 2.0.

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