RIAI launches 2030 climate challenge

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Passive House PlusSpeaking about the launch of the challenge RIAI president Ciaran O’Connor said: “The RIAI is delighted to launch our 2030 Climate Challenge. We are in the midst of a climate emergency which is the biggest challenge to face our planet, our people and our industry.
The Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (RIAI) has launched its 2030 Climate Challenge, calling for urgent action to be taken by architects and the wider construction industry to tackle the climate emergency.
The RIAI said that the challenge is a “climate change initiative to encourage the profession and wider construction industry to achieve net zero whole life carbon for all new and retrofitted buildings by 2030”.
The RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge asks architects to commit to reducing operational energy, embodied carbon, and potable water use by 40 per cent by 2030, as well as achieving core health and wellbeing targets.
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