Legal and technical requirements in reusing precast concrete

Tommi Halonen, Aapo Räsänen, Paul Jonker-Hoffrén, Satu Huuhka, Tove Malmqvist, Ahmad Al-Najjar, Marcel Vullings, Simon Wijte, Jakob Fischer, Christoph Henschel.

This report discusses all the relevant EU, national and local level regulations that must be considered when deconstructing or reusing concrete elements in the ReCreate project countries (Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Germany). The results presented in the document are mostly based on desk studies which are, in some sections, complemented with interviews of authorities. The interviews were used particularly in sections that discuss norms whose practical implications contain ambiguities. However, although the interviews clarify some matters, the aim of the report is not per se to draw definitive conclusions on all the issues discussed in the document. This will be done in a future report (ReCreate deliverable D8.3.) that will complement theoretical or analytical perspectives of this document with the empirical insights and experiences from the pilots.

The document is divided into two main chapters, which will discuss the most relevant norms on (1) deconstruction of precast concrete elements, and (2) the reuse of such elements. The chapter on deconstruction explores regulations which govern deconstruction permits, waste management, local environmental protection, and occupational safety. The chapter on reuse discusses the requirements set by regulation on technical matters, designer qualifications, product approval, and building permits. In addition, the chapter investigates what impact sustainability policies have on reuse of building components. All the norms are discussed in the document from the viewpoint of reusing precast concrete elements or, more generally, building components. This way, the goal is to keep observations of the document as practically relevant as possible.

The document ends with a discussion chapter drawing conclusions on the state of re-use norms in different countries. Furthermore, the conclusions examine such crosscutting topics or groups of issues among the countries which hinder the development of reuse in ReCreate countries. The chapter suggests that the following topics should receive attention from developers who aim to overcome the legislative barriers: (1) Interpretation and practical implications of waste legislations, (2) a clarification of technical requirements for reused building components, (3) the product approval of reused components, and (4) concretization of sustainability policies. These issues will be at the hearth of the future ReCreate report (D8.3) as well.

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