Essex Embodied Carbon Policy Study

Currie & Brown, Etude, Hawkins\Brown, Introba, Levitt Bernsteis-People.Design

The purpose of this study

The purpose of this Embodied Carbon Policy Study is to provide the technical evidence to support the development of a planning policy approach for reducing embodied carbon emissions from developments in Greater Essex.

What is embodied carbon?

The embodied carbon emissions of a building are the total green house gas emissions associated with materials, construction processes, maintenance and demolition.

A full glossary of terms can be found in the Appendix on page 128

How the studyfits in to planning policy in Essex

Addressing carbon emissions through planning policy is vital to meet local and national climate targets. Essex, has already established an evidence-led net zero operational carbon policy, which serves as a model for going beyond regulation. Despite the absence of building regulation in England to reduce embodied carbon, this evidence-base recommends an embodied carbon policy to complement Essex’s net zero operational carbon policy. To fully address its Net Zero Carbon commitment, Essex aspires to develop future policies addressing overheating and carbon emissions associated with water use.

Who the study is aimed at

The prime audience is Local Planning Authorities in Greater Essex and planning inspectors examining local plans. The study will also support the development Industry and other stakeholders to reduce embodied carbon emissions from new development. Supplementary design guidance will also be provided for these stakeholders. The study builds upon a body of evidence that is developing nationally, and will be of interest to other Local Authorities, industry bodies and other stakeholders in the UK seeking to address embodied carbon
emissions from development.

What the evidence-base covers

The evidence-base provides wider context for the recommended policy requirements set out within in. It also provides a technical evidence base for the introduction of upfront embodied carbon limits (particularly for low-rise residential developmets).

Policy requirements for immediate implementation:

1. Presumption against demolition and promoting circular economy
(parts 1a and 1b)
2. Lean building design and good material efficiency for lower
embodied carbon
3. Reducing upfront embodied carbon

Policy requirements for consideration in the next 3-5 years:
1.Presumption against demolition and promoting circular economy
(part 1c)
4. Reporting whole life carbon

Policy requirements explained further in executive summary (page Chapter 6 –Policy recommendations).

Further potential work and actions

Future potential work and actions could be developed to support the proposed embodied carbon policy requirements, including:
• Introductory training on embodied carbon would be beneficial (not essential) for planning officers to assess applications.
• User friendly design and reporting guidance to aid applicants in reducing embodied carbon, with potential to include in the Essex Design Guide.
• Produce supplementary guidance to support specific aspects of the recommended policy requirements.
• Commission a supplement to the study to provide a steer on County Planning Minerals and Waste matters in respect of reducing embodied carbon emissions.
• Lobby Government to establish a standard national embodied carbon materials database.

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