Embodied Carbon Case Studies Workstream


The LETI Embodied Carbon case studies are a selection of projects in the UK chosen to showcase ‘good practice’ regarding consideration of embodied carbon and whole life carbon principles in a clear, and consistent format.
The aim of their development has been to create a format, with a clear and understandable scope, to provide a useful means of sharing lessons learned to reduce embodied carbon while striking a balance of reporting robust metrics to back up the ‘carbon story’ behind the analysis and project procurement.
The template on which they are based has been aligned where possible to the RICS PS Whole life carbon assessment for the built environment reporting format, and the emerging GLA Whole Life Carbon Reporting template, the UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Construction Reporting Template, with input from LETI Embodied Carbon Working Groups.
This first set of case studies are a ‘snapshot’ in time of projects and data gathered in 2020/21 and are not limited to projects achieving a specific embodied carbon rating as they pre-dated the developments of the ratings. Being a ‘LETI Embodied Carbon case study’ is not part of a verification or certification process.
(See details of the case study selection in the following pages)
The LETI embodied case study group’s ambition is to continue to call out for further case studies for publication over time, evolving and linking the information gathered to other emerging industry ‘declaration’ databases e.g the BECD (tbc) in order to bring more transparency to embodied carbon reporting and practice.

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