A digital workflow for assessing lifespan, carbonation, and embodied carbon of reusing concrete in buildings

Arlind Dervishaj, Tove Malmqvist, Johan Silfwerbrand, Kjartan Gudmundsson

Concrete is the most used construction material, accounting for 8 % of global CO2 emissions. Various strategies aim to reduce concrete’s embodied carbon, such as using supplementary cementitious materials, utilizing cleaner energy, and carbonation. However, a large potential lies in reusing concrete for new buildings in a Circular Economy, thereby closing material loops and avoiding CO2 emissions.

This study focuses on the reuse of precast concrete elements. We present a digital workflow for assessing reuse by predicting the remaining service life, estimating CO2 uptake by natural carbonation, and calculating the embodied carbon savings of concrete reuse. Both carbonation rates from EN 16757 and our investigation were applied to a case study building. While EN 16757 rates suggest that most precast elements have reached the end of their service life, our assessment shows that these elements have a sufficient lifespan for reuse.

Plaster and coverings significantly delay carbonation and extend service life. During the first service life following EN 16757, carbonation was 19,2 kg CO2/m3, whereas our prediction was 5,4 kg CO2/m3. Moreover, CO2 uptake during service life, including reuse, was less than 6 % of the embodied carbon. The climate benefits of reuse greatly exceeded those of carbonation. Furthermore, carbonation did not have a decisive influence when applying Cut-Off, Distributed, and End-of-Life allocations for assessing embodied carbon of re-used elements in subsequent life cycles.

The digital workflow is useful in quickly assessing lifespan, carbonation, and embodied carbon of concrete. It can be leveraged as a decision-making tool when designing for reuse.


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