#1 Kelly Alvarez Doran
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As Senior Director of Performance and Provenance at MASS Design Group, Kelly supports Principals and Designers to embed environmental objectives into all MASS projects, as well as leading climate-focused research and the training of our entire team. Previously, Kelly led MASS’s’ Kigali office overseeing the growth of the practice from a team of 8 to 80 over five years. He led the design and implementation of several of MASS’s projects across East Africa, notably the award-winning Munini District Hospital and Rwanda Ministry of Health’s Typical Hospital Plans; Nyarugenge District Hospital, headquarters for One Acre Fund and Andela in Kenya; and the Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture.
Kelly holds professorships at the Bartlett and University of Toronto, where his Ha/f Research Studio focuses on the whole life carbon of the built environment. The outcomes of this research have informed the ongoing development of embodied carbon policies for the City of Toronto and surrounding municipalities.
- Kelly presents case studies including the Munini District Hospital and Rwanda Ministry of Health’s typical Hospital plans, emphasizing embodied carbon reduction.
- He discusses historical insulation materials and their impact on embodied carbon, highlighting the shift in recent decades.
- The presentation emphasizes the importance of regional knowledge, transparency in supply chains, and the role of architects in driving sustainable practices in the built environment.