LEAK: Draft EU law introduces new standards to decarbonise buildings by 2050
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BelgiumA draft EU directive, due for publication on 14 December, introduces minimum energy performance standards for existing buildings undergoing major renovation works as part of a renewed push to achieve a zero-emission building stock by 2050.
Around three-quarters of buildings in Europe are energy inefficient. EU buildings are responsible for around 40% of the bloc’s energy consumption and 36% of its greenhouse gas emissions.
Because of this, the European Union has embarked on a huge renovation effort in order to reach its legally-binding objective of cutting emissions down to net-zero by 2050.
The draft energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD), seen by EURACTIV, requires that all new structures erected as of 2030 must be zero-emission.
For existing buildings, which form the bulk of Europe’s housing stock, EU countries will have to ensure minimum energy performance standards are applied when they undergo major renovation.
“By [2035], the entire national building stock shall be covered by minimum energy performance standards,” says the draft, which is still subject to change.
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