Build in Wood/

Organiser: Building Green
Share Your Green Design | Build in Wood

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Building Green






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Denmark’s largest tree conference

Come and experience the future of wood construction at Build in Wood – the platform for wood professionals! In Denmark, we are experiencing a great interest in wooden structures, and the need for specialized knowledge about everything from small constructions to more complex wooden buildings is greater than ever before.

At Build in Wood, we bring together wood enthusiasts and experts in a professional atmosphere where innovation, knowledge and networks merge. It’s not just a place where you’ll be updated on the latest knowledge about timber construction – it’s also a forum where you’ll gain practical experience and make crucial connections for future projects.

We are in a time where wood plays a crucial role in the transition to more sustainable construction. But we also know that we must use wood wisely and maximize its potential to conserve our planet’s resources. At Build in Wood on 22 and 23 May 2024 at The Plant Cph in Copenhagen, you will gain insight into new research on LCA calculations, optimization of resources, transformation of existing buildings and recycling of wood on a larger scale than we have seen before.

Help shape the sustainable construction of the future. Get inspired, updated and connect with other passionate wood enthusiasts at Build in Wood!

The conference will primarily be conducted in Danish.

Wichmann+Bendtsen Photography


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