21st Century Timber – Properties and Engineered Products/

Event Detail
Join to find out about timber and its properties, the products that are available and how you choose the right ones to efficiently and effectively construct passive house buildings that are people, planet and climate friendly.
This evening’s event is the third in a series of webinars that will run alongside the Timber Development UK’s University Design Challenge to inform participants and the wider industry. Webinars are recorded and uploaded to Timber Development UK University Design Challenge’s YouTube channel.
These webinars are open to students, graduates, professionals and the industry.
21st Century Timber – Properties and Engineered Products
Tuesday 25 Jan 18.30-20.00
18.30 – Setting the Scene: Tabitha Binding
18.35 – Timber Material Properties: Dan Ridley Ellis, Edinburgh Napier
19.05 – Engineered Timber Products: Wojciech Plowas, Edinburgh Napier
19.35 – Case Study – Wigan Veterinary Centre, Jasper Meade, PYC Group
19.55 – TDChallenge22 questions
20.00 – Close