Adding missing middle housing and simplifying regulations in low density neighbourhoods Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedinEmail this link

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City Of Vancouver

As Vancouver grows and evolves, we need to ensure that there are housing options that meet the needs of the diverse households that live and work here, including more “missing middle” housing options, shown in the image below.

To help do this, we are exploring changes to allow multiplexes (building with up to 6 units on a single lot) in low density neighbourhoods across the city. Currently, only a limited range of housing options are allowed in these areas, including houses, laneway houses and duplexes.

In addition, current regulations and the permitting process to build new low density housing are complicated and inefficient. We are exploring changes to simplify them in order to create capacity for new options like multiplexes and to help make it easier to build new housing.

We’d like to know what you think!

Learn more about this project:

  • Read the Summary Handout
  • Read the Information Boards(External link)
  • Read the FAQs

Get involved:

  • Attend an Information Session
  • Answer the Online Survey (available until March 5)
  • Email (External link)us a question
  • Sign up to receive updates and notices of upcoming public engagement opportunities

Your feedback will be used to help shape the proposal, and we’ll share a summary of the results and a refined proposal with the public later this year.

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