NetZero Webinar/

Organiser: EFQM in partnership with FutureZero

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EFQM in partnership with FutureZero


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The webinar will be led by Russell Longmuir (EFQM CEO) and Mark Van Clieaf (Managing Director of Future Zero). 

Setting the context in an early analysis of COP26 outcomes and their implications for the long-term viability of all organisations, not just those engaged in carbon-intensive activities, FutureZero argues that moving to a Net Zero economy requires transformation, not transition. 

We will discuss the challenges that leaders and boards of organisations face now and not just in the long term. And the organisational capabilities that will be required.

It will be an opportunity for EFQM to share with the audience a draft version of its Net Zero Lens questionnaire, based on The EFQM Model, and an invitation to act as a critical friend to FutureZero & EFQM by testing the Lens and providing feedback before the Net Zero Lens joins the EFQM AssessBase platform.

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