19th Annual Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE 2023)/

Organiser: Nibio
Share Your Green Design | 19th Annual Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE 2023)

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The Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering started in 2004. After 18 successful meetings in 10 different partner countries, WSE has become a well-established platform for researchers from various fields of wood science and engineering.
We look forward to welcoming you in Ås/Oslo for 19th meeting of the WSE!


19th Annual Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE 2023) 10-12 October2023, Ås/Oslo, Norway

This year the theme is:

“Wood and Wood Product Recycling and Reuse: Challenges and Opportunities”.


Key dates

  • 07 August 2023– Registration deadline
  • 15 August 2023– Deadline for submission of Extended abstracts

Download the template for the extended abstract here

We encourage scientists and engineers, in particular early stage researchers (students and PhD students), to submit an extended abstract that cover the meeting’s themes.

Abstracts should be sent to the conference secretariat by email:erik.larnoy@nibio.no

As an alternative to an oral presentation, a poster can be submitted. Therefore, please indicate in your registration whether you would like to give an oral presentation or to display a poster.

For the posters, there is no need to send in an abstract, only title and authors

  • 10 October 2023– PhD workshop in Ås
  • 10 October 2023– Welcome reception in Oslo
  • 11-12 October 2023– Conference in Ås, dinner in Oslo

Conference themes

  • Wood physics and mechanics
  • Wood protection and modification, durability
  • Wood engineering
  • Engineered wood products & composites
  • Application of wood-based materials

This year there is an emphasis on this topic: Wood cascading is an important part of the Circular Economy, where resources are retained in the value circle for as long as possible.

Cascading of wood provides benefits by:

  • Retaining the carbon storage benefits for a longer time
  • Reducing energy consumption in some processes, such as wood drying
  • Reducing virgin wood consumption in final products, thus improving the availability and sustainability of wood products

—–There are now several projects emerging in Northern Europe on wood recycling and reuse. There is a strong need for these projects to align and work together. The goal for WSE 2023

is to inform on these ongoing projects and to exchange knowledge. —–


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