Action plan Oct. 23

Social Approach to the Transition to Smart Cities

Agnese Macaluso, Michael Flickenschild, Alessandro Gasparotti, Hidde Wedman and Zinovia Panagiotidou of Ecorys together with Philipp Lämmel and Nikolay Vassilev Tcholtchev of Fraunhofer FOKUS, Trinidad Fernandez of Fraunhofer IAO, Philippe Baudouin of IDATESAS, and Gaelle Le Gars (independent expert) at the request of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) and managed by the Scientific Foresight Unit, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament.
Action plan May. 22

The Drawdown Review

Lead Research Team: Dr. Ryan Allard, Kevin Bayuk, Dr. Tala Daya, Dr. Chris Forest, Chad Frischmann, Denton Gentry, Dr. João Pedro Gouveia, Dr. Mamta Mehra, Eric Toensmeier,

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